Volbeat - I only wanna be with you

I don't know what it is that makes me love you so
I only knew I never want to let you go
Cause you started something
Oh can't you see
And ever since we met you've had a hold on me
It happens to be true
I only want to be with you

It doesn't really matter what you say or do
I want to spend each moment of the day with you
Look what has happened with just one kiss
I never knew that I could be in love like this
It's crazy but it's true
I only want to be with you

I don't know what it is that makes me love you so
I only knew I never want to let you go
Cause you started something
Oh can't you see
And ever since we met you've had a hold on me
It happens to be true
I only want to be with you

You stopped and smiled at me
And asked if I cared to dance
I fell into your open arms
And I didn't stand a chance

Now listen honey
I just want to be beside you everywhere
As long as we're together honey I don't care
Cause you started something
Oh can't you see
And ever since we met you've had a hold on me
It happens to be true
I only want to be with you
No matter what you do
I only want to be with you

Så grymt skön låt och så grymt fin text! Lyssna på den!


sv: Ja, jag förstår det, det var horribla bilder. Precis. Det är speciellt oförståeligt också att det alltså var fem familjemedlemmar som inte reagerade på det hela, alla lät det hållas. Man tycker på något vis att någon av dem borde ha reagerat och tagit avstånd från det hela. Detta är ju heller ingenting som familjen i något avseende har tjänat på. Även om man tappar intresset för djuren eller inte har råd längre är det ju ens skyldighet som ägare att antingen sälja djuren eller avliva dem. Allt är bättre än att låta dem svälta och vanvårdas till döds.

Datum: 2009-05-11 Tidpunkt: 10:36:43
Blogg/URL: http://hastpassion.blogg.se/

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